Isn't this just the coolest bag EVER?!?!? I found it at a thrift store yesterday for $2.00!
The good part: It's TOTALLY unique!! (it has a zipper on top as well as it's mouth! :] I love opening up the mouth zipper and showing friends.)
The bad part: My 9 year old niece also wants it.
That's probably not a good thing that my niece and I have the same taste in bags. Should I really be this giddy over a fish shaped bag?!? She asked if she could have it when I die. Morbid!! But I told her that I'm taking it with me! (just kiddin'...sorta)
Seriously, I LOOOOOOOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! I love showing it to all of my friends. It makes them all smile! I even drove over to Mr. Red's place just to show him. He matched my enthusiasm and then said, "I can only be so excited over it Ehu, I've got testicles".
Oh well, I'm still so stoked about it. It TOTALLY makes me smile!
L♥VE IT!!!