After last night's 'blog vomit', I almost thought about deleting the post. But then I thought about it more and decided against it. I don't sugarcoat stuff or try to make my life seem like it's 100% happy-go-lucky. That's not honest and that's not life. Life is a rollercoaster. Sometimes there's up and other times there's lows, dips and occasional upside downs. It's life.
In the midst of my 'blog vomit', a couple things were holding me together:
-My long, slate blue Eddie Bauer sweater: It's like a warm hug. It's wonderful like a robe, but in sweater form.
"Days Go By [acoustic]" by Dirty Vegas. It was the perfect blend of a chill beach vibe. LOVE IT!!
-And this picture of Christ...
I'm working on a project with a friend and she sent me back a version of this picture. (I don't wanna share what we've got brewing, yet). It humbled me. I do love my calling and this awesome opportunity to serve. It humbled me because I doubt that Christ ever lost His cool. He gave it all, including His life. I need to follow His example more fully. It's hard, but I still have room to grow and He gives me hope. In the midst last night's blog, a thought came to mind..."I need the Atonement right now. I need that emotional relief that comes through the Atonement." I'm grateful for the dips, the lows and the upside downs, it brings me to my knees in humility asking for help from my Heavenly Father. Relief will come.... sometimes in the form of a loved one but always in the form Christ and His Atonement.