Saturday, October 18, 2014


The Hubs and I have become pretty big fans of the Food Network TV show, Chopped.  I love the show because I love to cook and I love the competition of such talent! (Same reason I enjoy Project Runway!) I would love to have the skill base of those talented chefs! I'm not gonna lie, I would LOOOOOVE the chance to attend culinary art school! I think it would be an amazing opportunity! Plus, I'd be able to cut an onion in a blink of an eye. :)
On my list of things to build my Chopped kitchen, I want these little beauties: 
RAMEKINS!!! It would be the perfect size for Levi & I! I would LOVE to make mini Stratas, pot pies and little bread puddings (sans Raisins, of course). We've got an array of larger baking sheets & pans, but these would be perfect for 2! 
Bed, Bath & Beyond, I think I'll be seeing you soon....there's some ramekins calling my name!!
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