Tuesday, December 29, 2015

My soul delights!

Sometimes, there are certain events in my life that make me feel like this...
...one of those events is whenever I get to talk to my very best friend, MamaSteph.  I love when the stars and planets align and we have the opportunity to talk...on the phone....and hear each others voices.  Oh I love her dearly.  I know I'm blessed by my Heavenly Father just because of certain people that he's placed in my life.  She is one of those tender mercies in my life.  I crave our phone calls because for a moment, the many miles between us disappear and it seems like no time at all has come between us.  In a couple months, it'll mark 8 years since we last saw each other, in person.  What I would give just to have an hour in person and laugh like we always do. 
I wish I could put my finger on the one thing that makes her friendship so beautiful and priceless.  She has a heart of gold and I never feel judged by the many things I have told her over the years.  She listens to me ramble and occasionally throw in a joke or two.  I know I am blessed to have her in my life.
If there's anything I could take away from our friendship, it is the hope that I can be a friend to others as she has been to me. 

Monday, December 28, 2015

Monday, via Instagram.

This is how I felt around 3 o'clock when I was hungry and a lil sleepy.  The first day back after a break is a lil rough.
It's been quite a while since I bought a CD.  It felt quite appropriate to break the dry spell with Adele's new CD. So far, so good!
This is what I woke up to this morning.  NO THANKS!!!

I don't know what's great, but for my first day I'm ok with this.  Tomorrow's goal: 6,000 steps.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Time flies!

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I last posted. 
I always have pictures I save on my phone so I can post.....and then never get around to doing it.
This year has flown by and the last few weeks have flown by even faster. 
Christmas was just a couple days ago and now we're staring down at New Years Eve this week!  I don't know how I feel about time flying by so quickly.  I know I'm sad that Christmas is over and soon enough we'll have to put away our Christmas tree.  I love looking at our ornaments and the life we're building together.  That makes me so happy and I love reflecting back on special moments that are marked with such special ornaments. 
This year, I gave Levi a Kylo Ren (Star Wars: The Force Awakens) ornament on Christmas Eve. We had a wonderful time watching the film last week.  Since he was looking forward to it so much, we watched episodes 4-6 the weekend before to help me fully understand the greatness of episode 7.  We plan on watching episode 7 again, in 3D IMAX very soon.....as soon as I can kick this funky cold I've had for the last week. 
Ugh, this awful cold that just won't leave my system has not been fun! Luckily, I'm on the up and up so I see good health in my very near future.
Well, that's about it.  I'm just waiting for my FitBit Charge to finish setting up.  Yep, I bought one tonight since it was on sale at Target and used my $50 gift card.  Who doesn't love a sale & a gift card!? Awesomeness!  From $129.00 to only $56.00 out the door.  Love it!  Okey dokey, till next time...g'nite! 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Adios open house...

Today, I'm bummed.  Bummed doesn't even begin to describe how I'm feeling. 
Today's the last day for the Tijuana LDS Temple open house. 
Unfortunately, our schedule only left Saturdays as the only day we could attend and sadly a few of our friends that we were supposed to go with got sick in the last couple days 
I'm just so bummed because for the last 3 years I was anticipating going to the open house and now it just didn't happen.  I feel much like one of the five foolish virgins who wasn't ready when the bridegroom came. I mean, we got our passports so we could cross without any problems...but when it comes down to it, I just didn't make the time to go.  I mean, we could have rescheduled our plans the last two Saturdays, but just lost track of time in the last week.  I'm mad at myself because I didn't make it more of a priority. 
The things you learn in hindsight. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

"He Gave Me Space and Let Me Fly"

“He Gave Me Space and Let Me Fly”

Church magazines: Why has your marriage been so happy for so long?

President Hinckley: The basis of a good marriage is mutual respect—respect for one another, a concern for the comfort and well-being of one another. That is the key. If a husband would think less of himself and more of his wife, we’d have happier homes throughout the Church and throughout the world.

Church magazines: Sister Hinckley, you have said that your husband “always let me do my own thing. He never insisted that I do anything his way, or any way, for that matter. From the very beginning he gave me space and let me fly.” 1 How has he done that?

Sister Hinckley: He never tells me what to do. He just lets me go. He has made me feel like a real person. He has encouraged me to do whatever makes me happy. He doesn’t try to rule or dominate me.

Church magazines: President, you have said: “Some husbands regard it as their prerogative to compel their wives to fit their standards of what they think to be the ideal. It never works.” 2How have you avoided doing this with Sister Hinckley?

President Hinckley: I’ve tried to recognize my wife’s individuality, her personality, her desires, her background, her ambitions. Let her fly. Yes, let her fly! Let her develop her own talents. Let her do things her way. Get out of her way, and marvel at what she does.


I've always loved this article on President & Sister Hinckley. It is from the October 2003 Ensign. I've been thinking about it, a lot, recently. It makes me think of how my sweetheart treats me in the same fashion. I'm lucky, really.  

I can be a restless person. I'm always thinking, my mind is on to the next project or task at hand. I like to march to the beat of my own drum. I don't like to sit still a whole lot. No, I don't have ADD/ADHD. I like things done a certain way, usually my way. [Definitely still a learning process in marriage :) ] Lately, I've been thinking a lot of how to make our place more of our home. Through all of this, I'm lucky to have a good man by my side that lets me be. I think I consider this a blessing just because of how life was for my maternal grandmother (Tutu) and how life can sometimes be for my Mom. I don't know how to describe it exactly, but my maternal grandfather (Kuku) was very dominant. I think it took a toll on my Tutu and left an impression on my Mom. I never wanted to easily give into being a submissive wife. I think I live in an entirely different era as my Mom and Tutu; times are much different now. I feel like I have this wild spirit to speak my mind and do what makes me happy. I am blessed to have a strong partner who encourages my talents and supports my dreams & goals. He listens to me and considers my opinions. I respect him as the head of our family and in turn, he treats me as his equal. He gives me space and lets me fly, to which I am most grateful.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Making a home: IKEA!

Last night, I was just thinking of how much I love our home. This past weekend we made a lovely lil trip to Ikea. 
I'm grateful my husband was so willing to put all of our goodies together. 
Me + screws + instructions = No bueno
There's just something about it that overwhelms me. Give me a recipe, I'd rather work with that.
Ikea can be such a fun place...
Guess we won't be buying that chaise lounge! No matter how hard we tried we could not squeeze on there! Hilarious, for sure! 
I just love love love how organized everything is!! I love our shoe shelf! I can't wait for our next Ikea purchases, next month! It feels more like a home now and I owe it to this book:

Friday, October 16, 2015

Late Night Creativity!

Things to note:
1. Yes, it is 3:39am
2. This is just 1/8th of a baby shower banner I made tonight.
3. I'm most creative when I'm down to the wire. 
4. Some could call it procrastination, but the added pressure helps me think.
5. With less than 3 hours of sleep, tomorrow [ahem, today] is going to be a very, VERY long day.

Saturday, October 10, 2015


Can I just say how much I am looking forward to receiving the November issue of the Ensign!? I thoroughly enjoyed the talks I heard last weekend. 
Maybe that has helped my week seem more brighter. So many wonderful talks that help me want to be a better person. I especially loved Pres. Nelson's talk. 
Does that not give you hope to try to be the best person, the best woman, you can ever be! I loved it! I can't wait for the Ensign to come out in a few short weeks!

Why today was another good day! {Friday's Fave Five!}

1. Norah Jones.
Seriously such a good song! It was the first one on my shuffle this morning. I need to download more Norah Jones songs! I forgot how much I love her voice!

2. Got an awesome seat on the trolley, this morning! It was a different view and I just loved it. I caught myself smiling as I enjoyed the beautiful scenery of gorgeous San Diego. Should anyone be THIS happy to be riding the trolley?? I seriously LOVE it! Plus, I just realized last night that there's an earlier trolley so I can get to work 15 minutes AND it's less crowded. AWESOMENESS to the tenth power!

3. Today, I stopped bending over backwards for a friend. Do you know how relieving that is?! I try to be a nice person, but there's no need to go out of your way to someone who doesn't appreciate it nor will ever reciprocate it. 

4. Had some good laughs with my colleagues at work. It can seriously help life a dragging work day!

5. Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins from Starbucks = Autumn Amazingness!!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Very good day!

I don't know how it happened, but today was a very good day. I was in a good mood all day. I started my day off with riding the trolley and it was so much fun! Seriously, I love riding the trolley! There's so much to look at and it's just relaxing sitting there, reading and listening to music. I love it!
I was just spot on with my work and today was probably my most productive day in a very long time. I had a nice day with my colleagues and even had a good laugh with a few of them. Definitely a very good day! Plus, I got to come home to my sweetheart and eat a scrumptious dinner with him. There are so many things I love about coming home, amongst the very best of them, it is being able to come home to my sweetheart who greets me with a smile and a kiss. 
Throughout the day, I even caught myself smiling just because. I liked today, I hope tomorrow is a repeat of today! Happy Thursday!

Monday, October 5, 2015

3 years & General Conference.

Yesterday, marked 3 years since this wonderful man changed my life...

We tried to think of so many different places to celebrate our anniversary but we couldn't agree on any one place...but we could agree on wanting breakfast. Hellooooo Denny's.  It didn't really matter where we ate, we could have gone to McDonald's and it still would have been fun.  

He didn't know I was taking these photos of him. I just love his face so much.  It's always so peaceful for me.
"Sometimes home isn't 4 walls, it's 2 eyes and a heartbeat"
That is what Levi is for me.  He is so patient when I don't deserve it, he makes any situation 1000x better and life is brighter having him by my side.  

I love this photo of us. I love his smile.  I'm so lucky and sometimes I don't appreciate it as much as I should, but I'll never stop trying. 

Levi and I watched a few talks during the Saturday morning session of General Conference.  Elder Maynes gave a beautiful talk.  It was so nice to watch General Conference again.  There was a beautiful spirit that could be felt from the talks that were given. 
I guess the talks affected me in such a way that I had a very vivid dream this morning.  In my dream, I was visiting my parents and my Dad asked me to say a prayer.  I remember the words of my prayer, I was expressing gratitude for those that attended my Dad while he was ill and for the safety & protection over my Mom in his absence.  Well, I think I caught myself talking and opened my eyes. My poor Levi was just staring at me. I think I mumbled something like, "I was praying in my dream" and then closed my eyes to finish my prayer.  It was so real, I remember all the details.  I think I've been thinking of prayer because last night, I thought of my Kuku & Tutu and how they used to kneel by the bed for their morning and evening prayers. It made me think of starting that with Levi.  Some of the most sincerest prayers I've offered up have been on my knees.  I think it would bring a sweet and humble element to our marriage.  With that said, it's late and I'm missing my sweetheart, I need to get to bed. G'nite.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

First World Problems: No Electricity.

For the last 13 hours, we didn't have electricity in our apartment, except for our kitchen. That alone was a blessing in itself, especially since we just went grocery shopping last night. 
Since its summer and we live in one of the hottest parts of town, last night was just so miserable. Poor Levi couldn't sleep well without his cpap machine and I couldn't sleep well without him using his cpap machine. Together, we couldn't sleep well without our air conditioner and fan. It was so hot and muggy last night, just plain miserable. Around 3am, I went to lay out on the couch with front door wide open. Unfortunately, all the mailboxes are in front of our place. I have no idea how many people walked by our front door. Luckily, we have a screen door, but I'm pretty sure you could see straight into our place. I was so hot and miserable, I didn't really care. Needless to say, we did not sleep well last night.
Thankfully, our manager was able to fix it a half hour ago. Man, you never realize how much you take electricity for granted until you're stumbling around in the dark using your cell phone as a flash light.
Guess who's working on their emergency preparedness this week?!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Life Lesson: Prayer & Desire.

Yesterday (Monday), I wanted something pretty badly. I pondered heavily about it all weekend, and prayed about it too. I felt pretty peaceful after my prayers and thought that this good thing would be mine. This was a big step, which would require some discomfort on my end, but I was willing to endure it.
When I received the disappointing news, I was bummed, which only grew deeper. I started to get mad at God. I didn't understand the peace that followed my prayers. Didn't He know the longing in my heart and the desire in my soul? Why didn't this good thing become mine? I was so mad with Him. Why God, why? 
But then this quote from Elder Richard G.  Scott came to mind:

How foolish of me to get mad at God! Am I an idiot?! What am I going to do when there's something bigger & better that I want and desire and I don't get it? I can't always get mad at God. Perhaps it wasn't in His plans for me to change job positions, at this time. I know He knows what's best for my life. I just need to have more faith in Him and do the work necessary for the blessings I desire. I need to more fully trust in His plan. I can't believe I got mad at God. What was I thinking?! 
I'm grateful to have a loving Heavenly Father who knows my heart and my remorse. Man, does someone have a lot more praying to do! 

Monday, September 21, 2015

A Monday Quickie.

Today's Monday. It's a lil rough, but not too much. Someday, I'll get more than 3 hours of sleep for Monday.
This was the theme of my weekend. Sometimes you've gotta do things that make your heart race just a bit.

Went to visit my Dad last night. For someone who hardly sees the sun, I have no idea how he's still this dark!! Man, I wish I could be darker like him!! Someday, I'll make it over to the beach again. I haven't been since last August...2014!! I want to cry!

I've had three oysters in my lifetime. I think I've hit my quota. They're kinda gross.

We went to Lake Murray for the first time, last weekend. Well, it was my first time and if it weren't so hot, I would have enjoyed it more. I can't wait to go back again! 
Ok, lunch is over. Adios!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Concert @ Soma.

I cherish any time I get to see my niece & nephews. They are such a bright spot in my life. I just can't believe how fast time flies. I think the last time I saw these two kids were on Father's Day! Now my niece is exactly my height. It makes me so sad that they grow up so quickly. But I'm lucky. I am so incredibly lucky because I appreciate the personal relationship I have each of them. I wish I could see them every single day but I'm lucky I can call them and they'll actually pick up, amongst the busyness of their exciting lives. 
I'm lucky and beyond blessed to be their aunt.

Monday, September 7, 2015

T-minus 5 days.

Ehu Day is in five days. For the first time in a very long time, I have no idea what I really want to do for my birthday. I'll be taking the day off, which I normally do, because I don't like being around people with the constant reminder of what an awful day it is. Yes, I know and fully understand what a tragedy 9/11/2001 was and will discuss it on any of the other 364 days of the year. I just don't want to be sad on my birthday. 
Moving along, I have a few other things on my mind this year, so I guess that's why I haven't really thought much about my birthday. Maybe it'll just pass like any other day. I think I'm also not excited for this upcoming age. I feel old. I think this feels worse than when I turned 30.
Oh I wish I was 30 again. Sigh.... And to think I thought that was old?!

Anyways, I'm glad I have a few more days to think about it. When did I get too old to celebrate my birthday big? This is kinda depressing....I think someone needs to go to sleep. G'nite

Sunday, September 6, 2015

To which I am grateful for...

On our drive back home tonight, I was thinking of all the things I am grateful for.
After so many years of crushes, dates, sappy chick flicks, crying, impatience, praying & hoping, I am so truly grateful to have a good man by my side. He is everything I could have hoped to find in a good partner. I appreciate his patience. God knew I would need a man with an endless supply of love & patience. Levi makes my life more rich and exciting. I am so deeply blessed.
I am thankful that my relationship with my parents has improved, especially with my Mom. It's nice to be able to communicate well.
I'm blessed with a good sister (a.k.a. Ex Sister-in-Law) who loves and cares for my Dad. I'm thankful I can turn to her when it comes to my Dad's medical history and she's willing to assist in anyway possible. It's reassuring to know that I'm not alone in this experience.
Man, am I grateful for Buzz. When I met him and his wife Reed 11 years ago, I didn't know how deep they would be ingrained in my heart. They are two of the best people to come into the life of my family. In fact, they are family! They have done so much for me and every single person in my family. They are the salt of the earth. Tonight, when I called Buzz, who was out to dinner with his family & his brothers' families, he said that he & his brothers would rush right over to help give my Dad a Priesthood blessing. The way they came in and encircled my Dad with love and friendship was truly beautiful. They love my Dad and it was witnessed in the words of the blessing.
I am thankful for my Dad. I don't think I'll ever be able to adequately express how much he and my Mom have done for me.  But my Dad, he's taught me everything I know about service. He's an honest man. There's no BS with him, he's a straight shooter and you'll know exactly where you stand with him. He's definitely one of a kind. Sometimes I see a little bit more of him in me and that makes me all the more grateful.
I am thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who has placed people in my life to buoy me up when the waves of life get to be too much. He has truly blessed me with a circle of angels. 

Saturday Night Blessings

#shortblogpost #longlistofblessings

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Feisty Saturday.

My husband is currently cleaning the whole house. I couldn't be more grateful! 
Unfortunately, I'm in bed with these damn cramps.
Is it bad that all I'm thinking about is his last donut, that's on the table near him, that I want so badly?


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Mama Stephy!

Tonight, I got to talk to one of my most dearest friends.  Oh how I love Mama Stephy!  It's not often when we get to talk on the phone because she has three youngins and there's about a 3 hour difference between us.  
However, when we do get to talk it's just so spectacular! I love laughing with her. I love the wit and wisdom she brings to our friendship.  Tonight's conversation turned to children and babies.  It was such a beautiful conversation about what delivery is like and the love that floods a delivery room.   It makes me so excited for motherhood, someday.  I definitely need to write this conversation in my journal tonight.
Although we haven't seen each other in more than 7 years, it doesn't feel like our friendship has changed or drifted apart.  I'm so grateful to still have her in my life. I couldn't be more thankful for a loving Heavenly Father to bring her into my life over 13 years ago.  

Monday, August 31, 2015

Oh Monday....

Can I just say how much I am LOVING this new jewelry holder!? Seriously, I love just looking at it!!
I just love seeing all my jewelry in one place! I was using two jewelry boxes and a burlap covered frame to hang my earrings. It looked something like this:

It was nice but I couldn't hang my bracelets & necklaces. I seriously love just looking at it. It's not really small, so I guess when I look at it, I think of Levi being so patient and holding it while he followed me all around Hobby Lobby. He didn't complain at all and didn't give in when I offered to hold it. Sometimes, I just don't understand how he can be SO patient. Man, I'm lucky!
Well I love love love my early birthday gift.  I like my pictures of Jesus up top.
These are some of my most favorite pictures of him. I think it's because how I hope the Savior will embrace me someday. The pics give me hope to know that I'm never alone and that I have a Friend that always knows how I feel. Maybe someday I'll look for these pictures in a large format and get them framed. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

August, in a nutshell.

I have no idea how quickly this month just flew by?!?  To kick start the month, we celebrated our first wedding anniversary on the 3rd...well actually, the weekend before, all through the week and that following weekend.  It was just so wonderful being able to spend so much time with Levi, especially after his summer semester.  I can't believe our first year of marriage flew by!  One whole year!  Wow.  It's been a wonderful year of learning, loving and growing together.  I couldn't be any more grateful to have such a loving, patient, funny partner.  

We didn't do a big exchange of gifts, since we enjoyed some pretty fantastic meals out.  On our actual anniversary we had lunch at Rei do Gado, a Brazilian steak house.  So super good!! It reminded us of eating at Pampas in Las Vegas for our wedding weekend.  The only gift I really wanted was a Peace Lily for my desk at work, in that pretty teal pot.  I didn't realize til now that it matched the burlap banner I bought for us on our anniversary.  I happened to see it when we went by Deseret Bookstore before going to the movies.  It's the truth...life is so much better when he & I are together. I love it. I LOVE him!  

Levi's Dad came in to town and it was nice meeting up with him [middle] and Levi's uncle.  It's nice seeing his Dad.  He's always been so nice to me, ever since I met him.  I remember meeting him, the evening Peej got married. We went by Levi's Dad's house and he was working in the garage on some wood pieces.  He took the time to explain all his toy pieces and the differences in wood.  I'm really quite lucky to have such a nice Father-in-Law.  

This is a recipe I came across that I truly love.  Seriously, it's so good!! I've recommended it to several people.  I thought I'd post it for safe keeping.  

In my last post, I mentioned going to FHE [family home evening] with my friend Odin. Oh man, it was a hilarious evening of lip syncing! I think the guys below were singing...excuse me, I mean, lip syncing to Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.  Such a hilarious night!!

OH. MY. GOSH.!!! My friend NeNe sent me this and I was blown away--TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY! I never knew this!  CRAZY!

Speakin' of Nene, she invited me to a Padres game against the Braves!  We took a paid half day off, rode the trolley downtown and enjoyed a lovely Summer day watching some good ol' baseball! We were lucky to score seats in the shade and at one point, it got a lil cold.  But boy oh boy, we enjoyed some Hodad's burgers!! So delish!!

Mamacita [middle] moved to the good  ol' southwest.  I'm surely going to miss her.  It's been such a blessing being able to work with her again, this past year.  I wish her the very best in her next chapter of life.

On Levi's first day of one of his new classes, he forgot his phone at home.  I tried to catch him before he left but I only saw the gate close behind him.  I thought I could catch him before he got to school, but I didn't...so there I was looking for visitor parking at his school.  I had just missed him by 5 minutes by the time I actually found his classroom.  Oh man, it was quite hilarious.  There I was driving around his campus, praying that I would see him walking to class.  I found an info desk, luckily remembered what the name of his class was, obtained a campus map and waited outside his classroom door.  I was so nervous! I felt like some sort of deranged ex-girlfriend stalking him down.  Since it was his first day in this new class, I didn't want him to not have his phone in case he needed something off his email or the internet.  Fortunately, I caught a girl walking towards the classroom door and kindly asked her if she could give him his phone.  When he arrived home that night, he was so amazed I could find him!! I was somewhat embarrassed that I would do such a thing and hunt him down like that.  So odd, yet so, so funny!!

Last weekend, we went to Pt. Loma Seafood Company. Oh man, some of the best seafood you can find in San Diego!! It was so scrumptious!! I loved the Shrimp & Cod!  Plus it was so nice down on the harbor. I surely love living in San Diego!! 

I had an old friend in town, this past week. She served her LDS mission here in San Diego, when I was about 18/19 years old....back around 1999. It was so great seeing her [middle] again, since it's been 10 years since I last saw her. Catching up with her was just so easy and lovely.  Plus, it was cool that she invited me back to their hotel to go swimming. I will NEVER turn down an opportunity to sit in a jacuzzi! She & her friend wanted to eat Mexican, so I took them to one of the best Mexican restaurants in San Diego; Old Town Mexican Cafe! Oh man, I love the food & mariachi music there!! It was such a wonderful evening!

To round out the month, Levi & I went to Hobby Lobby since we're blessed to live so close to the only one in San Diego county!  Originally, we went by to find supplies to make a jewelry hanger. We found this lovely gem!! Oh man, I LOVE it!! This was better than I could have ever expected to find!! PLUS, it was on SALE!! 50% OFF!!! WHAAAAAAA??!  Yeah, half off and way more efficient than I could have ever thought up!! Thank you Levi for my terrific early birthday present!! So wonderful! I can't wait to fill it up! ;)

I still can't believe this month flew by so quickly! I can't believe September is on the horizon...and you know what September means?!?! BIRTHDAY MONTH!! I can't wait! :)

Sunday, August 16, 2015

About blogging & friendships...

I really dislike the fact that I don't blog as often as I'd like to. I like blogging because I always feel like a good way to keep in touch with long distant loved ones. I know the biggest turn off I have with blogging is that estranged relatives continue to read my blog. I don't get it but maybe it gives them stuff to later badger me with... Lame.
Anyways, I have so much to blog about but at the same time, I'm trying to journal more. I guess you could say that I'm trying to find a nice balance. 
In the mean while.... Let's see what I've got.
Yesterday, after a very touching funeral, I went out to lunch with Hermanita. I love anytime I get to be friends with her in real life. I wish I could see all my dear close friends in person, all the time. I miss human interaction. I think social media is such a fake crutch for friendships. I love hearing and seeing friends, whenever possible. Lunch out with her was just a so great! I love girl talk! It's always so fun to hear what's going on in their lives. 
Plus, when there's delicious food and especially tasty cheesecake, it makes it even better! What a fun afternoon!
I can't believe it's already Sunday night. I'm not a big fan of Sunday night, a.k.a. Monday eve. Although, I'll be hanging out with my friend Odin and going to FHE tomorrow at my old ward. 
I think the thing that makes me a lil nervous about tomorrow is that I'm taking Odin to my old singles ward. There's a couple people that I'd like to steer clear of because they gossip. Here's the thing...I've known Odin since we were like 7 years old. We've always JUST been friends, NOTHING more. He's a cool guy and in this day and age, how often are people still friends with their childhood friends and can actually see them in real life? I'm lucky I can count on both hands the amount of childhood friends I still have in my life and city. Blessed, I tell ya! Well, I've also been extremely fortunate to have a very loving and trusting husband that knows I would never do anything to jeopardize his trust and our marriage. I'm glad he loves me so much to understand that friends mean a lot to me, no matter what the gender. Besides, when it comes down to male friends, I've made sure to introduce Levi to all of them that I ever plan on hanging out with. I would never want him to feel uncomfortable, at all. 
I know a couple friends have thought it to be weird if I ever hang out with male friends. I can understand their hesitancy due to some LDS standards. What it comes down to is trust and honesty. 
I hate having to explain myself. I would think that if people REALLY know me, there'd be no discussion at all. End of story. 
Well it's late and I need to get some sleep. Plus this Bruddah Iz iHeart radio station is starting to work its magic, I'm relaxed and definitely ready for bed. 
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