Friday, August 30, 2019

Meet Liberty & friends.

I had to do some serious updating to this blog.  Not major, but I did have to replace Lava's name with Liberty's, since Lava passed away last year.  This is Liberty.  Can you see why he has this name?  He's a beautiful red, white and blue.  

He's such a great little fish.  He's surely grown since these photos from the day I got him, August 12, 2018.  He doesn't swim around as much as before.  I think he's getting old.  Makes me sad.  He's the oldest betta in the office.  I hope I have a few more months with him.  I love having a pet fish.  Bettas are just so beautiful.  I've since added 3 neon tetras and 1 snail (there were 2, one died...or was hibernating for a long time and looked dead.).  

So that's Liberty!  I wish I had an even bigger fish tank at home.   It's so enjoyable just watching them swim around....that is, when I have a free minute at work to watch them.  :) 

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