Wow, what a day. I feel like screaming, crying, smiling, laughing and breathing all at once. My days are NEVER what I could ever imagine. I don't even know how or where to begin.
I feel like screaming because I HATE the fact that I'm still not married. (I know, I know...I'm beating a dead horse!). I just wonder when in the world is it my turn to have my own family?! And a husband I can share my life and all of life's little wonders with.
I feel like crying, well I already am, because I'm just so frustrated with how stagnant my life feels. As well as some other news that a friend shared with me the other day.
I feel like smiling because I got a very unexpected bonus today at work for steppin' up to the plate while my co-worker's been out on her 2 week vacation.
I feel like laughing because I'm so deliriously tired and sometimes there's funny moments that actually happen when one may think that all is lost...especially when your smallish living room is stuffed with 5 couches [unexpectant gift], 1 piano, 1 tiki and a rather large Christmas tree
I feel like breathing because if I don't, I know I'll crack and I'll just lose it.
Sometimes it's so much easier to just throw in the towel and let the world win. That's not good. But I know, I KNOW, that if I hold out faithful the Lord will bless me.