My five FAVORITE things about Ashlee....

3. She has some mad interior designing skills! Seriously!! I think our missionary appartment was the BEST the mission had ever seen! I still turn to her these days to pointers!
4. I admire her for her dedication in working towards a college degree. I think it's very honorable and commendable to be both a college graduate and an RM, as a woman. ((She is seriously quite a catch guys!))
5. The one thing I have always cherished about Ashlee has been her trustworty character. I know that I can always open up to her and know that what I say, stays with just her. Sure, I may sometimes get teased with some of the [random/goofy/retarded] stuff I've told her...but I know that I can be myself and she would never intentionally hurt me. I have sincerely appreciated that quality in Ashlee.
Here's to a tremendously wonderful friend! I hope she's blessed with many many more marvelous birthdays! Happy happy birthday Ashlee!!