Wow! Last night was insane and SUUUUPPPPPER fun!! I had such a blast!! It was at the
Gaslamp Marriott, in Downtown SD. The dinner portion of the party was nice and it was great seeing all of my co-workers outside of the office...away from the stress! Everyone looked FANTASTIC!

We headed upstairs for the after party at the
Altitude Sky Bar. I was more excited for the "sky" part than the "bar" part. It was still fun and I loved the fact that my Shirley Temples were free! :) I was definitely a happy camper!! The view was TERRIFIC! Even though I wasn't looking forward to the looooong elevator ride up or the fact that it was 22 floors up---it was ALLLLL worth it!

There wasn't much dancing upstairs, since it's more of a lounge than a club. It was so fun getting to know everyone and just being out of the office was fun in itself. I even got to talk it up with
Mr. NY. WOW!! WWWOOOOOOWWWW!!! We were inches from each other's face as we talked. It was bitterly cold, so it was extremely nice having his arm around me. I liked his nose and his eyes are even MORE beautiful up close. Can I just say, that I would NOT mind waking up to that face for the rest of my life. It's beautiful! And his Pectoral Majors are nice as well. Let's just say that the night ended quite lovely with us giving each other a hug and kiss on the cheek. I have a new found love for work :) :) :) .

I invited my friend PJ & Khany along. It was so fantastic hangin' out with them. Sandra (last photo) is my partner in Dispatch. I love how FREAKIN fabulous I look!! A definite incentive to go to the Gym and become even MORE fabulous lookin'! All I've gotta say is I am DEFINITELY lookin' forward to next Christmas' Knox Party!!