For the past week I've been wanting to ask him if there are any WaWa's in NY. (Hello! I know it's kind of a lame question... but I was trying to let him know that I've lived out on the east coast as well.) I never knew when the best moment was or how to really approach him since his desk is right next to the office witch. Well he walked into my office and I figured it was either now or never. I turned away from my desk and said, "Hey Mr. NY, I have a question for you."
He looked up from his reading and said, "Yep, what's goin' on?"
"Do y'all have any WaWa's in New York?" (He crinkled up his face in deep thought and stepped closer to me)
"Have we had this conversation before?"
I was surprised, I wasn't expecting that response. My co-worker Mamacita turned around full of curiousity. I told him that we've never talked about WaWa and he double checked with me just in case. Again I reassured him that we hadn't. He shook his head and said that he was sure we had before (trust me, I remember all 5 of our previous verbal exchanges).
"Wow, this is total deja vu! I'm having a deja vu moment of this very conversation of WaWa."
I was stunned. Deja Vu, really? Cause I mean, the only times I have a deja vu moment is because I've DREAMT of it before. So basically is he saying that, in a roundabout way, he's dreamt of me? WOW, I soooooooo hope. That whole moment made my entire day. Gosh work is great sometimes.