Monday, November 9, 2015

"He Gave Me Space and Let Me Fly"

“He Gave Me Space and Let Me Fly”

Church magazines: Why has your marriage been so happy for so long?

President Hinckley: The basis of a good marriage is mutual respect—respect for one another, a concern for the comfort and well-being of one another. That is the key. If a husband would think less of himself and more of his wife, we’d have happier homes throughout the Church and throughout the world.

Church magazines: Sister Hinckley, you have said that your husband “always let me do my own thing. He never insisted that I do anything his way, or any way, for that matter. From the very beginning he gave me space and let me fly.” 1 How has he done that?

Sister Hinckley: He never tells me what to do. He just lets me go. He has made me feel like a real person. He has encouraged me to do whatever makes me happy. He doesn’t try to rule or dominate me.

Church magazines: President, you have said: “Some husbands regard it as their prerogative to compel their wives to fit their standards of what they think to be the ideal. It never works.” 2How have you avoided doing this with Sister Hinckley?

President Hinckley: I’ve tried to recognize my wife’s individuality, her personality, her desires, her background, her ambitions. Let her fly. Yes, let her fly! Let her develop her own talents. Let her do things her way. Get out of her way, and marvel at what she does.


I've always loved this article on President & Sister Hinckley. It is from the October 2003 Ensign. I've been thinking about it, a lot, recently. It makes me think of how my sweetheart treats me in the same fashion. I'm lucky, really.  

I can be a restless person. I'm always thinking, my mind is on to the next project or task at hand. I like to march to the beat of my own drum. I don't like to sit still a whole lot. No, I don't have ADD/ADHD. I like things done a certain way, usually my way. [Definitely still a learning process in marriage :) ] Lately, I've been thinking a lot of how to make our place more of our home. Through all of this, I'm lucky to have a good man by my side that lets me be. I think I consider this a blessing just because of how life was for my maternal grandmother (Tutu) and how life can sometimes be for my Mom. I don't know how to describe it exactly, but my maternal grandfather (Kuku) was very dominant. I think it took a toll on my Tutu and left an impression on my Mom. I never wanted to easily give into being a submissive wife. I think I live in an entirely different era as my Mom and Tutu; times are much different now. I feel like I have this wild spirit to speak my mind and do what makes me happy. I am blessed to have a strong partner who encourages my talents and supports my dreams & goals. He listens to me and considers my opinions. I respect him as the head of our family and in turn, he treats me as his equal. He gives me space and lets me fly, to which I am most grateful.

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