I miss her. I wish I could visit her more often, or that she lived a little closer to the west coast. I know she doesn't have many more birthdays ahead of her, I truly wish she did, but her health isn't the greatest. As selfish as this sounds, I hope she makes it past my birthday. I don't want to lost both parents by the time I turn 40.
I was thinking of my Mom today. You know, she talks a lot... not necessarily a bad thing, but it's a good thing for her because I don't feel like she comes across many strangers. At least, they're not strangers after my Mom's talked with them for a while. She makes friends easily, she talks to everyone. I don't think I'm much like her, in that regard, but maybe my husband would say otherwise. She's very social and I know at this time in the world, it's hard for her not to be social with everyone she's coming across these days.
A friend checked in on me and wanted to know how I felt about my Mom, her health and her near future. I told this friend that I've gotten everything I could have ever wanted from my parents. I know they love me. I've learned all that I could have, I think. I know a good amount of my Mom's recipes and if all else fails, as my Mom's always says, "Just make any kine!"

I'm thankful for all my Mom has taught me, both in word and deed. I can only hope that I'm the daughter she would have envisioned, the person she hoped that I would have become. I also hope that she knows how much I love her, after all the grief, all the smartass comments, and grey hairs I gave her.