Sept. 10: My partner at work, Mamacita decorated my side of the office. Totally had a rad day at work! And yes, that does say, "OVER THE HILL". Received several presents from co-workers and even pink Gerber daisies!! LOVED IT!! Later went out to dinner with some of my favorite guys!
Sept. 11: DISNEYLAND!!!! SUCH AN AWESOME DAY!!! BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!!!!! I had a blast there!! I freakin' loved every second of it....even when I went on the scary rides--AAHHHHH!! Even got to meet up with my good friend Steph and her family. Seriously, I felt like I was a lil kid again. I probably said, "I'm so stoked!" over a million times!!
Sept.12: Went dancing with several friends and had a GRRREAT time!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my dress!!!! I loved the color, cut and EVERYTHING!! Seriously FUN night!!

All in all---I had a TERRIFIC, AWESOME, FUN & FABULOUS birthday!!! It's been a while since I've had a GREAT birthday (Ash, remember my 23rd?) I wouldn't have changed anything...well, I maybe would have gotten more sleep! I don't know how I'm going to top this birthday, next year!