Monday, October 5, 2015

3 years & General Conference.

Yesterday, marked 3 years since this wonderful man changed my life...

We tried to think of so many different places to celebrate our anniversary but we couldn't agree on any one place...but we could agree on wanting breakfast. Hellooooo Denny's.  It didn't really matter where we ate, we could have gone to McDonald's and it still would have been fun.  

He didn't know I was taking these photos of him. I just love his face so much.  It's always so peaceful for me.
"Sometimes home isn't 4 walls, it's 2 eyes and a heartbeat"
That is what Levi is for me.  He is so patient when I don't deserve it, he makes any situation 1000x better and life is brighter having him by my side.  

I love this photo of us. I love his smile.  I'm so lucky and sometimes I don't appreciate it as much as I should, but I'll never stop trying. 

Levi and I watched a few talks during the Saturday morning session of General Conference.  Elder Maynes gave a beautiful talk.  It was so nice to watch General Conference again.  There was a beautiful spirit that could be felt from the talks that were given. 
I guess the talks affected me in such a way that I had a very vivid dream this morning.  In my dream, I was visiting my parents and my Dad asked me to say a prayer.  I remember the words of my prayer, I was expressing gratitude for those that attended my Dad while he was ill and for the safety & protection over my Mom in his absence.  Well, I think I caught myself talking and opened my eyes. My poor Levi was just staring at me. I think I mumbled something like, "I was praying in my dream" and then closed my eyes to finish my prayer.  It was so real, I remember all the details.  I think I've been thinking of prayer because last night, I thought of my Kuku & Tutu and how they used to kneel by the bed for their morning and evening prayers. It made me think of starting that with Levi.  Some of the most sincerest prayers I've offered up have been on my knees.  I think it would bring a sweet and humble element to our marriage.  With that said, it's late and I'm missing my sweetheart, I need to get to bed. G'nite.
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