My nephew, 'Bubba' received his Patriarchal blessing today and invited his parents and I to come along. It was scheduled to be given at the Stake Patriarch's home. I was ecstatic! I couldn't wait to see one of my most favorite sisters from the stake so I could congratulate her on her new calling. Bro. & Sis. Sorensen were just called to be in the new Temple Presidency.
When we walked into their home, Sister Sorensen greeted my sister-in-law & nephew with a handshake. When I seen her I gave her a big warm hug, in turn she said to me, "How is my very best friend from the stake?" I truly felt loved. Sis. Sorensen was at one time my Stake Young Women president. She has always had a very special place in my heart. While in YW I made a promise to her that I would receive my YW Medallion. Man, it was hard...But it was worth it! I don't know why or how this friendship really developed. I guess it was because I always greeted her with a hug and she, with a warm friendly smile. I love Sis. Sorensen. I'm so incredibly happy that I'll get to see her in the Temple on Saturdays. I look forward to the Temple as is, but to have know I have a dear friend there each week makes me extremely excited. She has a way of making people feel important and loved. I hope I can someday be that kind of person for all those I come across.