Let’s see….
This past Saturday I met a girl named Gina at the Temple who just moved here from Laie, Hawaii. She was awesome!! I gave her my number and told her let’s hang out sometime! She just finished school at BYU-Hawaii and missed the culture terribly. Since our lil meeting I’ve been seriously contemplating going back to school next Fall. I want to apply at BYU-H again. (“again”…that’s another story for another day). That's all I could think about today, until...
I needed to use a heavy duty stapler. I called Mr. NY at his desk to see if he had one. Indeed he did and offered to bring it over to my desk. I declined his offer only because I wasn’t ready to use it just then. Next thing I know he’s walking over with it…so I met him half way. It was quite a cumbersome task but he helped me out and took care of it all for me. When I got back to my desk, I realized that I had left a page out of the packet and needed his stapler again. I walked over to his desk, apologized for bothering him and he willingly offered to help me out again without being asked. *sigh* Such a gentleman. A hot one at that. Wow, I liked my day thus far, until…
I came home and received the news of my Uncle Walter’s passing (He's on the left and my father's on the right). I’m sad, but I feel even more sad for my Dad. My Uncle Walter was one of his closest cousins that he grew up with back in Tonga. In the last two months, my dad has lost two people that he was extremely close to. It starts to take a wear and tear on a person. As sad as I am about my Uncle’s passing, I’m hopeful for the gospel plan of Jesus Christ. I’m grateful to know that life doesn’t end at death. I’m grateful to know that families can be together forever. My Uncle Walter lived a full and righteous life. He helped everyone. I will miss him immensely. I will miss hugging and kissing him every Sunday I see him at church. The gospel is true and I know I will see him again.

I needed to use a heavy duty stapler. I called Mr. NY at his desk to see if he had one. Indeed he did and offered to bring it over to my desk. I declined his offer only because I wasn’t ready to use it just then. Next thing I know he’s walking over with it…so I met him half way. It was quite a cumbersome task but he helped me out and took care of it all for me. When I got back to my desk, I realized that I had left a page out of the packet and needed his stapler again. I walked over to his desk, apologized for bothering him and he willingly offered to help me out again without being asked. *sigh* Such a gentleman. A hot one at that. Wow, I liked my day thus far, until…