I've been thinking of shaving my head lately. It's been about 10 years since I cut my hair SUPER short (pixie short). The last time I did that was because I was feeling random and had a pair of scissors near by. Also, it was because of spite.... I got tired of so many friends touching my long curly hair saying, "Don't EVER cut your hair!!!! It's SOOOOO beautiful...blah blah blah". So I cut it short. I remember not liking it ALL too much, but it was a nice change.
This time it's for a different reason...
A couple months ago, my Bishop's wife was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I don't know her too well, but I've known her as a Young Women's leader when I was a teenager and more recently as the Stake Choir director. We've been doing lil things in the ward to show our love and compassion for her. Next Sunday, the women of the ward were going to wear scarves on their heads. Very thoughtful.
For the last several weeks, I've been thinking of shaving my head because I knew in due time she would be losing her hair. Her friends gave her a 'Hats Off' party in which they gave her hats and scarves, right before she shaved her head.
I know I don't know her personally, but I hope by my shaving my head, she would know of the love and support I have for her and her battle against Breast Cancer. Not just for her, but also for another friend's wife and all women (and men) who are currently in this battle for their lives. My heart goes out to them....
***update: So after I posted, I grabbed a pair of scissors and headed for the bathroom. My hair was curly with product in it, but I just wanted to see what a few inches would look like. Then I really started going to town...til I realized it would be better if I showered and had clean hair to cut. This is the final result....[til Monday when a few of my friends and I have our 'shave shindig'.]. Sad thing is...I'm really liking this new length and style! :( Oh well...keep your eyes on the prize, Ehu.