Need I say more?
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Or maybe I just need a boyfriend?
Work was quite overwhelming today. I felt like I was moving as fast as a glacier and the work was piling up with each millisecond. During the course of the morning, I overheard one of my co-workers on a phone call to his wife. He was having a very trying morning and needed to unload his mind. I thought to myself, “How nice is that to have someone you can go to and find peace and be consoled!
” It makes me think of a quote from “Shall We Dance?”, “There's a billion people on the planet, I mean what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything...the good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things...all of it, all the time, every day. You're saying... Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go unwitnessed, because I will be your witness”
It’s not often that I wish I were married or in a relationship these days, but golly, I did today. I wish I had that one special person who knows me in and out and lets me unload my frustrations.
I guess it’s more than just that. I miss having the companionship of a man. Just not being alone, ya know. I’m not trying to put myself on the market or writing up a ‘Want ad’ for a boyfriend… Take for instance, I want to go out to dinner to CPK (Yum-PIZZA!) and to the movies. I’d ask my best friend, but she’s saving every last penny towards a condo and I can’t stand her infinite amount of questions throughout movies. I’d ask other friends, but I don’t want to compromise what I want to do. Also, next May 'Madama Butterfly' [the opera] will be coming to town. I'm so excited for it! I definitely want to go. I'm pretty sure none of my friends will want to go. Oh well, I guess I’ll just start going on “Artist's Dates” :)

It’s not often that I wish I were married or in a relationship these days, but golly, I did today. I wish I had that one special person who knows me in and out and lets me unload my frustrations.
I guess it’s more than just that. I miss having the companionship of a man. Just not being alone, ya know. I’m not trying to put myself on the market or writing up a ‘Want ad’ for a boyfriend… Take for instance, I want to go out to dinner to CPK (Yum-PIZZA!) and to the movies. I’d ask my best friend, but she’s saving every last penny towards a condo and I can’t stand her infinite amount of questions throughout movies. I’d ask other friends, but I don’t want to compromise what I want to do. Also, next May 'Madama Butterfly' [the opera] will be coming to town. I'm so excited for it! I definitely want to go. I'm pretty sure none of my friends will want to go. Oh well, I guess I’ll just start going on “Artist's Dates” :)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Why I'm going to the gym at 5am Monday morning....
(NO! I did not eat both packages...I just had waaaaaay too many for one day)
Hmmm....I wonder what a Mint ice cream, with Mint Oreo and Mint 3 Musketeers shake would taste like?
Hmmm....I wonder what a Mint ice cream, with Mint Oreo and Mint 3 Musketeers shake would taste like?
(ooh, that might be a Mint overload....and 2 more hours on the Elliptical machine---forget it!)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Growing pains, still??
Dear Mr. Wisdom Tooth,
I guess after 28 years, you’ve finally decided to appear. I mean, it’s not like you haven’t been cutting into my gums for the last 10 years or anything. But you finally choose now?? Really? Why? “Better late than never”? I wish I knew why you decided to finally pop through yesterday morning. I’m a bit puzzled, I thought you were suppose to be here when I was 18, not 28. Ya know, since you didn’t show up on time, I became accustomed to the idea. No offense, I was perfectly okay with your absence. When I had the option of pulling you out before my mission, I thought we possibly had a pact--I don't pull you out and you NEVER show up. I always thought my mouth would be big enough to accommodate you, now I know I was wrong. So really, why did you finally decide to to show up? I would have been totally okay if you waited one more month when my benefits kicked in. I know, I know, it’s not like you haven’t been on your own time schedule all these years. But here’s the thing, I just had a root canal on the tooth in front of you, a lil over 2 months ago. It was such a terrible experience. I even had to go to the ER over that! So maybe you can understand my hesitation over you being here now. All I can say, is don’t get comfortable and please, please, please don’t cause me anymore pain than you already are.
I guess after 28 years, you’ve finally decided to appear. I mean, it’s not like you haven’t been cutting into my gums for the last 10 years or anything. But you finally choose now?? Really? Why? “Better late than never”? I wish I knew why you decided to finally pop through yesterday morning. I’m a bit puzzled, I thought you were suppose to be here when I was 18, not 28. Ya know, since you didn’t show up on time, I became accustomed to the idea. No offense, I was perfectly okay with your absence. When I had the option of pulling you out before my mission, I thought we possibly had a pact--I don't pull you out and you NEVER show up. I always thought my mouth would be big enough to accommodate you, now I know I was wrong. So really, why did you finally decide to to show up? I would have been totally okay if you waited one more month when my benefits kicked in. I know, I know, it’s not like you haven’t been on your own time schedule all these years. But here’s the thing, I just had a root canal on the tooth in front of you, a lil over 2 months ago. It was such a terrible experience. I even had to go to the ER over that! So maybe you can understand my hesitation over you being here now. All I can say, is don’t get comfortable and please, please, please don’t cause me anymore pain than you already are.
Thank you,
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I want that...
Today I attended the funeral of a dear family friend, Bro. John Brantly. Even as I type this, tears flood my eyes. His dear companion, Sis. Faye Brantly passed away a lil over 3 months ago. I will miss them both tremendously. They were very dear to my family and I. I have truly missed the opportunities of being able to sit next to Sis. Brantly in Relief Society. She was as sweet and as kind as they come. She was once my Primary teacher and never let me forget of how good of a student I was for her. She had a way of making me feel just as beautiful as her daughters and granddaughters, each and everytime I seen her. Outside of my family. I have never seen a man love a woman as much as Bro. Brantly loved Sis. Brantly. He ALWAYS walked her to and from class. When they would leave from church, he would walk her to the curb and then proceed on to get the car to come pick her up at the curb. I have never seen them apart, for longer than necessary. If ever they were, it was because Bro. Brantly was on his way to come pick her up from Relief Society. The few times I've seen her alone, was also for the same reason...she was waiting for Bro. Brantly. They always held hands.
Today, just like 3 months ago, I caught a glimpse into their storybook romance. They were truly in love with each other. He treated her with more love, respect and admiration than even a Queen. All day I kept thinking to myself, "I want that..." I want to find a man who will love and respect me as much as Bro. Brantly did Sis. Brantly. Someone who will treat me with such tenderness and kindess. The way they loved each other was extraordinarily special and beautiful.
I want that....
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Such an AWESOME birthday!

Afterwards I got adjusted (chiropractor) and a pedicure ...came home cooked dinner and had a delicious meal with my wonderful family and best friend. My day has been sprinkled with phone calls and well wishes from so many dear family and friends. I'm thankful for all of them! I don't even know what part of the day was my favorite...I'd have to go with waking up to Natalie Dee pictures all over my kitchen. That really made my day. I love my family! All in all, I had an AWESOME day!! Here's to being 28!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Be an Organ & Tissue Donor!

As I was renewing my license via internet, I had the option of becoming (actually, continue being) an organ donor and contributing $2 to promote and support organ and tissue donation. I wanted to repost this blog from a year and a half ago about some insightful statistics, facts and information on organ and tissue donations. I feel like this is an incredibly significant cause and wanted to share this with all of you.
The Urgent Need For Organs: As of Sept. 3, 2008, 99,450 men, women and children currently await life saving transplants. Right now nearly 20,000 Californians wait for an organ transplant. Every 12 minutes, another name is added to the national transplant waiting list. An average of 18 people die each day due to the lack of available organs for transplant.
How YOU Can Donate: Indicate your wish on your driver's license or state I.D> when you apply or renew it. Join the donor registry in your state. Visit "" to find out if your state has one. Complete a donor card (available at donate and keep it with you. Put donation in your will or living will. Tell your family (very important). They may be consulted before donation.
You have the power to donate life: sign up today to become an organ and tissue donor. Your generosity can save up to eight lives through organ donation and enhance another 50 through tissue donation.
You do not have to donate all of your organs: You may specify the ones you will offer. Neither age nor medical history should prevent you from becoming a donor. For more information, visit the official U.S. government Web site for organ and tissue donation at
I appreciate the time and effort you've given to read through this blog. The subject of organ donation is very important to me. Not that I've ever had to participate in it as a recipient, but I feel like it's something that doesn't get too much attention. I think being able to give someone another chance at life is amazing and very self less. Thanks again!

The Urgent Need For Organs: As of Sept. 3, 2008, 99,450 men, women and children currently await life saving transplants. Right now nearly 20,000 Californians wait for an organ transplant. Every 12 minutes, another name is added to the national transplant waiting list. An average of 18 people die each day due to the lack of available organs for transplant.
How YOU Can Donate: Indicate your wish on your driver's license or state I.D> when you apply or renew it. Join the donor registry in your state. Visit "" to find out if your state has one. Complete a donor card (available at donate and keep it with you. Put donation in your will or living will. Tell your family (very important). They may be consulted before donation.
You have the power to donate life: sign up today to become an organ and tissue donor. Your generosity can save up to eight lives through organ donation and enhance another 50 through tissue donation.
You do not have to donate all of your organs: You may specify the ones you will offer. Neither age nor medical history should prevent you from becoming a donor. For more information, visit the official U.S. government Web site for organ and tissue donation at
I appreciate the time and effort you've given to read through this blog. The subject of organ donation is very important to me. Not that I've ever had to participate in it as a recipient, but I feel like it's something that doesn't get too much attention. I think being able to give someone another chance at life is amazing and very self less. Thanks again!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Happily Single?
To Do List:
(Usually it doesn't bother me, but I just thought it was a lil amusing to see my name alone amidst all the couples.)
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