This past Friday was my sweetheart's birthday....
I wanted to make it as special as possible, for him. For his lunch, I took him his favorite sweet tea & a pollo asado burrito. I'm glad I got me one also because those burritos are so delish! Since he had to work an 11 hour day, I thought a warm dinner would be nice to come home to :

It tasted soooooo good! I'm glad he enjoyed it!
Originally I told him to pick ANY restaurant that he'd want to go to for his birthday. Since he had to work overtime on his birthday, we put off his birthday dinner til Saturday. Luckily, his dad & wife happened to be in town, so all four of us went to eat at the buffet at one of the local casinos. Levi wanted his prime rib & crab legs and he couldn't have chosen anyplace better than that! Oh man, it was superb!!
All in all it's been such a magnificent birthday weekend. I wanted his birthday to be well celebrated because he deserves the very best. Levi is the best partner I could ever dream of having. I'll never know how I got this lucky. He is beyond thoughtful in EVERYTHING!! He is patient with my shortcomings, genuinely loving, extremely giving, intelligent, comical, quick witted, tender and a million other things I could rattle off.
As this weekend comes to a close, I can't help but think and be ever so grateful for not canceling our first date (I was so excruciatingly nervous!!!!). I never dreamt that I'd ever be so lucky!
Happy birthday sweetheart! I look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with you & making them bigger and better than the last! Heaven knows that you deserve nothing less than the best!! I love you!