I seriously have some angels on my side. Heavenly Father has blessed me with the kindest and most giving people I know. It brings me to tears when I think of all the good that's come my way, through all the kind hearted people that I have as friends and dear loved ones.
Today, I have been humbled to no end and blessed so abundantly. Going through all the obstacles of school have been nerve racking! Tears have been flooding my eyes for a good portion of the day, knowing all the help and phone calls that have been made on my behalf to get back into school.
"...Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." {Malachi 3:10}
I have felt the windows of heaven open upon me today. I have been blessed in ways that I don't really understand, but that I appreciate wholeheartedly. It has come in the form of a couple that I love with all my heart, as well as from another couple that I didn't take the time to get to know--but love me more than I can truly imagine. I unfortunately compared the two couples and came out with a VERY shortsighted opinion. My opinion couldn't have been further from the truth. I've only known them for a lil over a year, but they have been nothing short of kind and considerate to me. I don't deserve their generosity, in the least bit. These couples' Christ-like charity will forever touch my heart. I'm trying to wrap my head around ALL of this generosity that's been showered upon me today. I just don't understand it, but my heart couldn't be more grateful for it.
My cup runneth abundantly over....