So, life as of late....
I'll be going to Philadelphia & New Jersey at the end of this month! I'm so freakin' excited!! I would cry, but I'm just so happy and can't wait!! I can't wait to see the pretty Fall season of the east coast. I can't wait to just take it all in again!! I've missed it these last 6.5 years!! I'll get to hang out with my sister and her friends, so I'm stoked! The only downside: I'll have to fly by myself. I'm rather bummed about it...but HELLO--ALL EXPENSES PAID + getting paid on top of that=VERY HAPPY EHU!!!
Hmm, nothing too crazy to report. I hope my last blog post didn't get anyone excited for an upcoming engagement. I was just curious as to who really reads this stuff...
Other than that, I've been rather happy lately...certain people make me happier than others. And those certain people remind me of certain songs. Life is good.