Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The F Bomb.

About a month ago, I said:

"There's more fish in the sea, but I think I'm done fishing for now. The good ol' fishing pole is going away for a season."

But then an acquaintance turned into a friend, as I was trying to put away the 'fishing pole'. I started to like him. He's totally cute, exactly my type. It was rather easy & comfortable being open and honest with him, it was nice. It is nice. We went on a date and hung out and that was all really fun....

Til the "F" bomb is dropped on you---"I'd like to just be FRIENDS".

Then it makes you want to drop another type of "F" bomb.

UGH...why didn't I just stick to the original plan from a month ago. Ok, seriously I'm just going to break the stupid proverbial fishing pole over my knee and throw it away. I'm done. I'M SO FREAKIN DONE!!

As a close guy friend told me yesterday, "Dating is a big psychological game".

Yes, yes it @#+?*%& is!!
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