Which reminds me of an incident last night. I was invited to have dinner with a newly married friend and her husband, at their new place. I was asked what I'd like to drink along with my dinner. I chose Lemonade. It was her first time hosting a guest over for dinner since being married and she wanted everything just right. Upon tasting it, I could tell that a lot more Lemonade concentrate was needed. The color was right on, but it honestly tasted like water with lemon. Not a big deal since I like that anyways. My friends kept asking how the lemonade was and I said "It's fine to me. I'm good". My friend's husband finished his drink, mentioned that he was going to have some lemonade and jokingly said, "Now I'll be able to tell if you were lying to us". I was nervous. I started to feel bad for not being totally upfront about it. I mean, I was okay with the drink. It didn't bother me that it tasted more like water than lemonade. I kept my eyes low and focused on my plate. After he drank half of his lemonade my friend asked him how it tasted. He chose his words wisely and was gentle with her feelings. I can just imagine them working together on perfecting it, in time. It made me reflect back to their temple sealing and everything I've been taught about how spouses should treat each other. What a wonderful evening and display of love and respect.