I want it for my birthday....that's at least 3 months away.
I want to do something AWESOME for my birthday. I'm planning on going to Disneyland on my bday with my friend JoJo. It'll be a Friday and then I've got the whoooooole weekend!! WHOOO HOOO!! I wanna do something, SOMETHING exciting. Not exactly sure, but I want dancing to be involved. I was talking with my friend Eidde today and I like Universal (great music, fun atmosphere) but I'm not too sure... I'm afraid that because it's in Hillcrest, it might deter people from coming. It's cool cause it's like a club & lounge in one. Ugh...good thing I've still got 3 months to plan something. All I know is that I want friends to be laughing, dancing and having a great time....