Sunday, May 17, 2009


Yesterday at the Temple, I was trying to help a patron locate her belongings. I had her follow me down a back stairwell that I wasn’t all too familiar with. I’d never gone down there before and quickly found out that it led to the Cafeteria and the offices of the Temple Presidency. As the patron and I were walking thru the offices, I noticed that Pythagoras was headed towards me. After I passed him, I started to wonder if I had really seen what I seen?!
Did he REALLY wave or motion something towards me?? Really?! Nah, it couldn’t have been! No way!”
I led the patron to where she needed to go, turned around and headed back. But what do I see…Pythagoras, coming back again!
“Noooooooooo, dang it. More awkwardness. Whatevers, I’ll just look at the ground as I pass and it’ll be okay”.
At the last moment as I was passing him, I looked up to see him smiling, waving and saying ‘Hello’.
I was stunned--strike that… SHOCKED at what just happened. I’m sure it was obvious in the way I waved back, confused. I was beside myself! I couldn’t wait to tell someone! ANYONE!! Audrey! My Aunt!…SOMEONE! I mean, really? Did that REALLY just happen? I told my Aunt (who also works at the Temple w/ me and knows of my last incident with Pythagoras) and she was just as astonished! I was elated, shocked and confused all at once. I didn’t understand the change in him. I mean, after my last AWKWARD encounter with him I pretty much wrote him off. I was done looking stupid trying to approach him. To be honest, I’m still stunned and baffled… Wow. WOW!?
p.s. I actually seen him tonight at a fireside, well, him and Berkeley (YAAAY!! Such a funny, cool guy!)... I liked Pythagoras' red tie tonight....amongst other things ;)
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