Monday, May 4, 2009


What a FUN weekend! Got caught up on sleep, went shopping with my sister, went to the Temple (Berkeley wasn't there, but Pythagoras was)—had a wonderful shift with my Aunt as her Asst. coordinator in Intiatories--, did a lil dancing with some friends [met this CUTE blonde/blue eyed guy, "Mr. Consulate", who speaks Spanish and Tongan! LOVE IT!! I feel like a “Puma”], attended church w/ some GREAT talks & lessons, had some MUY DELICIOSO Mexican food and had the best Sunday nap EVER!! It was just a fantastic weekend and I'm glad I'm having more FUN weekends. Usually, my weekends are low key and I just kick it at home after I get back from the Temple. I was kinda worried that I was getting boring. AAHHHHH!!!!! Sad, but true.

I’m looking forward to this week…. Tomorrow night my friend Kelly is having a farewell party and I HOPEHOPEHOPE to see "Mr.Consulate". Wednesday I get to hang out with my friend Jen who’s ready to give birth… Volleyball’s on Thursday with this guy named Andrew that I met yesterday –cute, but not my type… and Friday my friend Lili’s going thru the Temple so Kelly and I are going to it with a birthday party right after it. OH MAN!! And then Saturday night a bunch of friends and I are going DAAAANCING at Universal for their Anniversary party. I’m so EXCITED!! I love this week already!!
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