Monday, May 11, 2009

Just a day late....

I love my Mom.


She taught me everything I need to know...

From sewing and singing... and studying...

To loving and spending.

I KNOW I am truly blessed to have her as my Mom ..

I'm grateful my Mom knew what was best for me growing up (and still does to this day). I'm grateful she allowed me to take grade school Violin lessons, so that one day I would be able to teach myself to play the piano and organ. I'm grateful her love of music and singing around the house blessed me to share that same love and develop my own voice. I'm grateful she made me sit down and learn to sew a simple straight stitch, so that I might be able to sew my own skirts, shorts and dresses today . I'm grateful she let me 'use' her Canon camera to take pictures of Barbie's wedding, so that I might develop a love of photography and art. I'm grateful for those times that she had me stay in from playing outside so that I might learn how to cook. Most of all, I'm grateful she raised me to love and appreciate the Gospel so that I would be able to attend early morning seminary, receive my Young Women's medalion, serve a full-time mission and now serve as a Temple ordinance worker (just like her!).

I don't know where I'd be with out my Mom. Heaven knows I've done my part in turning her hair grey, adding a wrinkle or two to her face and contributing to many of her tears. I hope Heaven also knows that I am eternally and sincerely thankful to have her as my Mom and dearest friend.

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