Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's Thursday... need I say more?

Something good always happens on a Thursday.
That's why I love it so much!
As I was leaving work late this evening, I could hear Mr.NY whistling at his desk. I thought I'd offer him a ride home. He said, "Sure, if you wanna go to the mall with me". I didn't want to appear desperate to hang with him, so I declined. Five minutes away from the office I realized that I forgot something. As I opened the office door he greeted me saying, "So you do wanna go to the mall with me! I knew it!" I was on my cell at the time, so I nodded and smiled. After I grabbed what I needed I went back by his desk to offer him a ride to the mall. Just then he was grabbing his stuff to leave and said that he didn't want to inconvenience me. inconvenience? NEVER!!
So we walked out together, talking about his brothers, my brother's bday gift, OTL....and then I asked him one more time (So much for trying to not look desperate, eh?---can you blame me?! He's HOT!) he gave in and I handed him the keys. I didn't want to drive...I'd rather talk and look at him. (Again, can you blame me?!) He took the long route to the mall---PERFECTLY fine with me. We talked and talked. He mentioned how he's starting to get freckles now and I checked his face. He quickly stated that it was on his chest and shoulders. I suddenly wanted to see these freckles---He has a very lovely chest, it looks very firm.. (Apostate thoughts, I know!)
Anywho, it was a cool lil car ride that covered several "interesting" topics. Oh man.....he's hot!
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