Tonight Morgan and I are going walking down at the Coronado Ferry Landing. It's one of my FAVORITE places in San Diego. I love the ferry landing, it's so beautiful since it's on the bay and looks across to the San Diego skyline.
I don't know how or why I get nervous right before I see him. I mean, once I'm with him all those butterflies are nonexistent! I thorougly enjoy being with him. We have fun, and I like that a lot. After our walk, we'll probably go grab a bite to eat. I'm thinkin' Miguel's.... but we'll see.
Can I also say, I'm so stoked for Feb.14 this year. Normally, I wouldn't really care--but two holidays on one day!! I LOVE IT!! (Valentine's Day & Chinese New Years!!!) Chinese New Year's is one of my favorite holiday (I also love 4th of July). I can't wait.... I wonder what I'll be doing to celebrate the day!? Hmm, we'll see!!