...but I really don't like you. UGH Mondays!!
*Well Friday was a lil choatic. Wasn't a typical work day, just VERY VERY QUIET. I was able to get all my work done with a quickness. Luckily, Mamacita and I were able to resolve our problem. It all started because another co-worker "thought" she heard something and told Mamacita that I was "talking crap". Yes, someone decided to 'react' instead of 'act' to that gossip, but I'm just glad everything's cleared up between Mamacita and I. I would NEVER do anything to ruin our great work relationship and wonderful friendship.
*My Young Women's Volleyball team did quite well. I'm very proud of them. For their first game, they played great together. I'm sure some of them were a lil nervous and forgot the basics, but all in all they should be very happy with the way the played. They won 1 set out of 3 and that's okay with me.......for now.
* I didn't go out with Morgan on Saturday (like we've been doing for the last month)....but we ended up going out on Sunday. We hit up the newly remodeled Mormon Battalion Center in Old Town San Diego. OH.MY.GOSH!! It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!! I think it's a definite MUST SEE!!! I love it!! I can't wait to go again!! They've transformed it into a beautiful 'hacienda'!! It's so unreal!! It's hard to believe it's a church structure, I LOVE IT!!
* Sitting in class with Morgan made me miss going out with him on Saturday. So I was really glad when he asked me out to the Mormon Battalion center. I had such a lovely time with him. I always thoroughly enjoy going out with him. I'm so stoked that we're going out on Wednesday! We'll be walking around the Coronado Ferry Landing and then grabbing a bite to eat. I'm so happy I get to see him mid-week!!
*I'm in the mood for some Bañuelos...ORALE!!
*Well Friday was a lil choatic. Wasn't a typical work day, just VERY VERY QUIET. I was able to get all my work done with a quickness. Luckily, Mamacita and I were able to resolve our problem. It all started because another co-worker "thought" she heard something and told Mamacita that I was "talking crap". Yes, someone decided to 'react' instead of 'act' to that gossip, but I'm just glad everything's cleared up between Mamacita and I. I would NEVER do anything to ruin our great work relationship and wonderful friendship.
*My Young Women's Volleyball team did quite well. I'm very proud of them. For their first game, they played great together. I'm sure some of them were a lil nervous and forgot the basics, but all in all they should be very happy with the way the played. They won 1 set out of 3 and that's okay with me.......for now.
* I didn't go out with Morgan on Saturday (like we've been doing for the last month)....but we ended up going out on Sunday. We hit up the newly remodeled Mormon Battalion Center in Old Town San Diego. OH.MY.GOSH!! It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!! I think it's a definite MUST SEE!!! I love it!! I can't wait to go again!! They've transformed it into a beautiful 'hacienda'!! It's so unreal!! It's hard to believe it's a church structure, I LOVE IT!!
* Sitting in class with Morgan made me miss going out with him on Saturday. So I was really glad when he asked me out to the Mormon Battalion center. I had such a lovely time with him. I always thoroughly enjoy going out with him. I'm so stoked that we're going out on Wednesday! We'll be walking around the Coronado Ferry Landing and then grabbing a bite to eat. I'm so happy I get to see him mid-week!!
*I'm in the mood for some Bañuelos...ORALE!!