Yesterday, my parents and I flew to Salt Lake City. It was quite a change from the 10 hour drive from Utah that I just did last week.
I think it's starting to hit my Mom that her younger brother has passed away. I'm grateful I can be here for my parents at this time.
I'm also truly grateful for a loving Dad. I thought I was here to help him out and around Utah...but even blind people can be of service.
It's been a couple years since I've been on a plane and was quite nervous. Dramamine helps, but it was a lot of rushing around without sleeping the night before. During turbulence and take offs, my Dad let me hold his hand tightly. I was nervous and air pockets don't help. It was very loving and reassuring that I could reach out for my Dad's hand everytime and he wouldn't mind...and he would keep his hand out just in case I needed it again. I guess you're never to old to hold a parent's hand♥