Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Homemade Soup & Bread

Got to hang out with my friends CC & Steph today. I always have the best times with them! They're chill and funny...that's enough for me. Sometimes, I get into a funk and they are the only two friends I want to interact with at church. They get me and I don't have to explain my moods, jokes or sarcasm. I don't know what I'd do without them around. Today we ate some of Sister McKenzie's homemade soup and bread. SO. DAMN. DELICIOUS.!!!! God bless this woman for everything she makes!! Afterwards, we hung out on the couches at Institute. It was cool because we were just hanging out, resting our full tummies, not really talking much....til this guy Wil walked up and started running his mouth.
I cannot stand this guy. Seriously, he needs to watch himself around me, because I don't have any more patience or a filter on my mouth. I'm done being nice, especially after last night. Last night, he started to call out CC on something he didn't like about her. Last time I checked, you don't do that to someone in front of a large group of people. You pull them aside and speak with them privately. He's extremely socially incompetent!!!
Mr. Red called me out of the blue, last night. VERY INTERESTING conversation. I love his intelligence, it's very intriguing. We texted for a while today. This man is definitely "something else". Everytime I start to think I know him, he surprises me with something new. I like it...it keeps me on my toes. I definitely like how this friendship is turning out. :)
Hmmm....and that's all I have on my mind. G'nite.
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