Friday: I got to hang out with my niece all day. It was so much fun!! We did some shopping and ran some errands. Had lunch at our favorite spot and had a lil mini-Twilight Zone marathon. (I think she was disappointed when it had NOTHING to do with vampires & werewolves) We also watched "The Last Song" and had a junk food fest! FUN!!! I love moments like that. Especially since she's growing up so quickly. She's such a FUN girl to be around. I've been blessed with the BEST niece!!
Saturday: Made about 4 dozen Cinnamon rolls, for the men at church for Father's Day, with Mama McK. I LOVE being in the kitchen with her! I will miss her more than I can ever express, once they go home from their mission this coming Monday. I had dinner with my family and cousins who are in town from American Samoa. It was just like ol' times.
BBQ Ribeye steaks + Jack Johnson tunes = AWESOME family dinners!
Sunday: I look forward to church. I LOVE ANY opportunity I get to see my friends!! I love them all dearly! I'm BLESSED with the best!! Seriously, I get so giddy on Saturday night because I get to spend quality time with my dearest friends. They're practically like family!! Had dinner that night with JUST my family and that was a beautiful blessing. We had stuffed Salmon from Costco--OH I LOVE THOSE!!! And I made Mango cobbler for dessert. FOOD COMA!! It was cool just hangin' out with my family. I love them.
BEST. BEACH. DAY. EVERRRRRR.!!!!!!!! A few minutes after I woke up, Captain text me to see what I was doing for the day. I had a whole 'to-do list' of emails I needed to send and homework I needed to work on. I told him that and he said, 'homework's overrated, come to the beach with me'. HELL YEAH!! When a HOT Fireman friend says 'go to the beach'--YOU GO!!! We spent the day at the beach, laying out & talking. It was SO relaxing!! I was SO nervous because I've never been to the beach with a guy before. Of course I've gone with a guy, who I happened to be dating or in a relationship with....this was different. Man, I was nervous because he works out and it DEFINITELY shows! So I wasn't sure what to wear and for the first time ever, I did my hair and make up just to go to the beach--SO WEIRD! But so worth it! Anyways, it was R.E.L.A.X.I.N.G.!!! He's a very easy guy to talk with. It was comfortable and extremely enjoyable!! Plus, I scored an AWESOME TAN!! OH YEAH BABY!!!
Later that night, we went to a friend's home to have a BBQ farewell for the McK's and another family who is moving from the ward (congregation). SO MUCH FUN!! Everyone should have a zip line--HILLAAARRIIIOUUUUSSSS!!!!!!! It was a fun time together with the ward family!

Tuesday: CC went to the temple yesterday for the first time. She's preparing to go on her mission to Denver, Spanish speaking. It was such a beautiful blessing to be there in the temple, with loved ones. I had a goal of going to the temple with Mama McK before her mission ended. I'm SO GRATEFUL that I had that wonderful opportunity last night. I forgot how much I missed the temple and all those marvelous sisters that I had to blessing of serving with on Saturday afternoons. It was a longing like I haven't felt for a while. I miss each of those sisters, they were like gems in a crown. As we were leaving, I happened to see one of them who was also attending the temple last night. Oh it was divine to have that chance meeting. I was afraid she wasn't going to recognize me since my hair was A LOT shorter. SHE DID!! It made me so happy! It was like old times. SO BLESSED!!
Wednesday: My friend Joy drew this picture of me today! LOVE IT!! Especially since the hair TOTALLY looks like me!!! Makes me crack up and smile!!