I've worked on my sarcasm a lot this year, because I started to sound cynical and negative. I didn't like the way I sounded or felt. I started to see things for their negativity. As I've reined back on my sarcasm, negativity & cynicism, I started to hear it in others. It made me think if that's how I sounded!? I didn't like it. I DON'T like it. There is NOTHING attractive about being negative or sarcastic! Talking with a friend last night, he confirmed that men are NOT attracted to negativity. I think that's true on a human level. No one wants to be around that. So then, why are so many people negative? I think it's so much easier for people to see the bad, the ugly and the downside to life and situations. {"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."} Being happy and positive takes practice. Sometimes, A LOT of practice. Sometimes, one has to even 'fake it til you make it'. But in the end, it's worth it. It's a very attractive quality to have--to friends, coworkers, family, potential dates...to everyone.
“Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you”