Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ehu vs. Meniere's

Man, I feel like it's been kickin' my trash lately.  And it has.  
On Sunday, I had to hold my neck while speaking because my Tinnitus was getting pretty loud in my left ear. I haven't had to do that for a long time.  I'm getting worried.  The fact that my ear has had the "whooshing" sound in it lately isn't a good sign.  The Vertigo spells will start again...which they kind of have already.  I NEED to decompress and stop stressing. 
Both good and bad stress isn't good for Meniere's.  I've been having a lot of both lately.  No bueno.
Fatigue has been setting in a lot more lately.  This also isn't good.  When someone would mention Fatigue, I thought they were just sleepy.  Fatigue is more than that; it's a constant feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy.
Unfortunately there's no cure for Meniere's.  That totally bites. However, there are ways to curb its symptoms.  Oh well, I'll do my best, be glad to have what health I do have and be grateful for loved ones and a Relief Society Presidency that helps me along the way.  The blessing in all of this is that I learn how to handle stress a little better, enjoy activities that promote decompression and have more empathy for those with chronic illnesses.  
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