Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy Tuesday to ME!


I got to see my friend Mr. Red!!! 
What a surprise phone call this afternoon!! I was dumbfounded when I saw his name pop up on my phone.  I couldn't believe it! 
So we hung out tonight and talked for a while at his place.  
It felt the same, but a lil different. Not drastically different, but a lil altered.....hard to explain.  
But it felt SO WONDERFUL just seeing and talking with my friend again.  
I've missed him a lot. 
I missed talking with him about everything & anything. 
I love the ease & comfort of just being with him, it's difficult to feel any type of discomfort around him. "TMI" is non-existent, that makes me happy.
I can take my time in pondering and digesting stuff he throws at me, and he just patiently waits while I come to terms with it all. 
And sometimes it's just silent...and that's okay, there's no awkwardness. 
Occasionally, tears happen and empathy arises, never embarrassment.
It's a blessing & a  curse that he can read me so well.  It's like he can sense what I'm going to say which makes it even more easier to be so open with him.  And I never feel judged or stupid for some of the crazy things that come out of my mouth.
I couldn't be any more happier to have my friend back....Heaven knows I've missed him tremendously.
My heart feels full again! 
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