Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Infidelity is NOT "In"!!

On the drive into work this morning, a radio dj was talking about yet another couple in Hollywood that's splitting up due to infidelity. She went on to say that this is the 3rd couple this month that's in the news.
I'm so tired of hearing about infidelity. I'm tired of all the dishonesty it creates and most especially the hurt it causes. I hate it. I truly do! Why can't partners be honest and open enough to say, "I don't feel the same way about you, I think we should end this relationship". Do they avoid such conversations because they don't want to hurt their partner?? Really?? So cheating is a better way out?? GRR!!!
I hope they someday feel the pain, hurt, anguish and suffering they've caused their partner, family and friends....they would truly deserve to feel such heartache.
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