Sunday, March 28, 2010

The March 28th post.

This weekend has been quite nice and quite good....but there's still more to come this week....
Yesterday I went to the beach with my cousins. It was such a glorious day, PERFECT beach weather. I truly loved it and felt revived. It felt nice to breathe again and feel happy...with a smile on my face. I felt whole again. I loved it. I wanted to cry because I was so happy to be happy again. I didn't have to worry or stress, for once this week. We walked along a secluded beach and looked for shells and sand dollars. I felt happy and I loved it. I haven't had a day such as that for a very long time.
Today I went to just my Sacrament meeting and then left to go to a YSA Sacrament meeting with a friend. There was such a difference. It was Q-U-I-E-T!!! I LOVED IT!!! I didn't know I was craving silence so much!! I could hear the speakers and feel the Spirit. It was AMAZING. It's been a while since I could feel the Spirit so strong in a Sacrament meeting. Our Stake President also spoke and I've gotta say, I truly love him. Whenever I hear him speak, I want to be a better person. There's hope in his words. I appreciate his counsel and wisdom.
I went home today to pack some of my clothes. Home felt foreign...but at the same time, my bed never looked so good. I miss my bed. And tonight, at least for tonight, I'll be reunited with it. I'm so tired, I can't wait to go to sleep. Sleeping in my own room, in my old house with two parents who love me. I feel blessed, this weekend.
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