Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday Dinner.

Good. Very good.


Last night, a friend came over for Sunday dinner. I made pot roast, mashed po-po's, carrots and corn. My sister made Apple Crisp for dessert. It was a very lovely dinner.
There's something to be said about letting someone into your personal world. I wasn't as nervous as I could have been about my friend meeting my family....since he's been around a majority of them. I guess it was the fact that he was going to be in close contact with my parents--who tend to say EVERYTHING, ANYTHING & WAY TOO MUCH. But it was also the fact that when you're at home amongst family, you let your guard down. I think that's when you can really get to know someone. I liked him being part of my "world". I didn't feel nervous or anxious about the dinner. Surprisingly, it was very pleasant--when I wasn't overthinking. (I know, that's such a contradiction....but so am I, at times.) He was such a good sport, as tired as he was. He put up with all the crazy family antics and was so kind and patient with my lil niece. I think my favorite times from last night's dinner was when he just knew why I reacted a certain way to some situations....I didn't have to say anything, he just knew. And...when my niece, sister and I were dancing around to "Valerie" in the kitchen--it was fun and I didn't think twice about looking like a fool. I like having my guard down with him. I never feel judged and that's so wonderful. He's definitely a friend to keep.

Good food + Great company = Blessing ♥

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