Sunday, February 6, 2011

Just walk it off.....

I never like getting overwhelmed and that's what happened last night. I forgot to NOT let it get to that point. It was just a lot to take in, in one day....a massive amount of homework on top of it too! I needed a way to handle it. Part of me wanted to punch a wall--not wise since I don't want a broken hand or a hole in a wall. So I went for a looooooooong walk. It was cold out, but it was refreshing. I walked up and down the hill near our house. It was just a GREAT way to clear my head, plus the exercise wasn't half bad. By the time I returned back to the house, I felt SO. MUCH. BETTER. !!! I think I've just found a new way to relieve stress. :)

Breathe Ehu, just breathe....

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