This past weekend, my nephew Bub and his fiancee came into town for a few days. It was a very nice visit. I enjoyed having them here and actually miss them, a lot. We got to eat at one of their favorite places here in San Diego, Bronx Pizza! For thin crust/NY pizza, it was REALLY DELICIOUS!!! We tried going there a year ago, but they closed early for a Christmas Eve party and we ended up at the taco shop next door. :( Major bummer... but it was definitely worth waiting a year for!
I had tons of fun with them and I'm grateful to have spent time with both of them!! It was a great weekend!! I can't wait to have them back down here again.
On another note... I did talk to Oeste on Monday night. After FHE, we talked out in the parking lot, in the rain, for 2 hours. Well, it wasn't exactly raining, but it was sprinkling and we were standing under a tree. It was kinda sweet. [cheesy & lame, I know] We talked about a lot of different things. My feet practically had frostbite, but it was ALL worth it! :) I liked talking with him, he's really funny and he's smart! Such a hot combo!
Did I ask him? Well......... yes, I did. Did he say "yes"? Nope. Well, he didn't exactly say "no"....but it's because he left for home today and won't be back til the new year, so I won't be able to complete my last December 2011 goal with him [go to the top of the Hyatt]. So that was my 2nd time I tried to ask him out. The first time wasn't exactly direct, so I'll give him a pass... but I don't know if I want to ask again. He's a REALLY nice guy and his humor always makes me chuckle. I think he's so endearingly cute and he's intelligent!! He speaks Spanish and has a cute lil smile!! TOTAL SWOON WORTHY!! But I don't know.... we'll see, when I see him in 2 weeks. Siiiiiiiiiiiiigh.