Sunday, May 16, 2010


As the week went on, life got better. Of course the Meniere's didn't magically go away...but having a better nights' rest and praying DEFINITELY helped. I apologize for the 'mortality' scare my blog had last week. I didn't mean to scare anyone, I was just being honest with what life was feeling like for me.
I was released as the ward organist and Relief Society pianist today. I feel relieved. I'm so glad I'll be able to come to church and get to SING! I'll miss those callings, but I just need a break....for now. Nothing's wrong with that, even if certain people don't think you should EVER ask for a release. Screw that!'s Sunday. I slept a lot yesterday. I'd be worried about sleeping this much, but I did down 2 Midols and a nap was the only thing to relieve the dang cramps. Oh sometimes it's NOT fun being a woman. Do men ever have to go through junk like that? Oh I wish they did sometimes.
Alrighty, that's it......See ya!
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