-I like the way my blog looks now. FINALLY.
-I'm glad Summer's right around the corner...and I'm UBER GLAD I lost weight since winter!! My cute board shorts that I bought 2 years ago will look GREAT! (cause they're super loose).
-I can't wait to go to the beach! I can't wait to hang with my family and close friends! I can't wait to take in the smells and delicious eats that come with going to the beach!! SO MUCH FUN!
-I'm tired of being single. I look at my friends with their families and get a lil envious. Maybe not the family part yet, because I'm around that all the time at home....but it's the part of having someone there. Someone to laugh with, someone to talk with...just someone. I miss having that in my life. I can see why God wanted Adam to have a mate, who would want to be alone? As I've been reading a friend of a friend's blog, I can't help but want what she has. No I'm not saying I'm gonna go 'SWF' on her or something....but just the way her and her husband mesh so perfectly well with each other. I notice that with other friends and their spouses. It makes me wonder if I'll ever find that one person I mesh perfectly well with. I know what my strengths and weakness are, what my pros/cons are as well... I'm not perfect, but I hope that Heavenly Father blesses me with someone that will still love me after I get worked up about the lil things and happy about the lamest things. I can only hope that 'the appropriate time' will come sooner than later. Maybe A LOT sooner than later...please Heavenly Father :)
-Today in Relief Society I sat across from Morgan's mom and sister. I wasn't paying much attention to the lesson because I just kept wondering what happened between Morgan and I. After his last email to me on Facebook which ended with, "Thank you for your time.", he de-friended me. Really? Who does that?? Oh well, we'll see what's up...
-I love living in San Diego. I truly do. I would never want to live anywhere else but here. I love the weather. I love the diversity. I love the location of everything being so close. I love the beach. I love just about everything about it. I feel so blessed to live here. I love it.
-I love Sunday naps...well hell, I love naps in general.
-I think I say "Hell" a lot. I think some people would be disturbed by that. Eh, I don't care.
-I'll be turning 30 in 4 months. 30, really??? Oh man, I'm not really looking forward to that. I like odd number birthdays anyways. I'm THANKFUL that my BFF Bugs and I will be spending our birthday weekend at:
...and I CANNOT WAIT!!! OH HOW I LOVE THE HOTEL DEL CORONADO!! It'll be a total girl fest! Chick flicks....Room service....shopping (not a whole lot because the Hotel Del is pretty pricey---so I guess I mean, "window shopping")...and my favorite: SPA TIME!!!! Massages & Pedis!! I CANNOT WAIT!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!!!