Thursday, November 6, 2014

Attitude of Gratitude - Day 6: Our Bed.

No one should love a bed as much as Levi & I do! Seriously, this is the most comfortable bed I have ever slept on!! It's so lusciously inviting ALL. THE. TIME.!!! Once you lay down, it pretty much captivates you! It's perfection, 24/7! I remember our old bed and how tiny it was!! Only one of us could sleep flat, while the other had to sleep on their side. Oh so sad!! One Saturday while I was sick, Levi scooped me up and drove us over to SleepTrain. I thought we were just going to look around. 30 minutes later we were being rung up and scheduling a delivery time for the next day. I think that was the first time that I had no problem being sick in bed! :) 
Whenever we go on trips, sometimes we can't wait to get home so we can sleep on our own bed! I typically have those same feelings when I'm at work! 
I love this bed, I truly do...but the thing I  love most about it, is who I share it with. :)
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