Monday, July 28, 2008

the nitty gritty.

Wow...what a day!
It wasn't that bad, but MAN! Did my head want to explode by the time 5pm rolled around! And I thought remembering everyone's name was the hard part---NOT EVEN CLOSE!!

The Good:
THANK HEAVENS this greeted me when I got home!! I LOOOOOOOOOVE mint ice cream!!
Ok, so the other good parts of the day: Work is TOTALLY casual (And boy do I mean that in SO many different ways!) Everyone's pretty friendly. I love the fact that it's downtown (until it's time to drive) so there's always something interesting or pretty to take in.

The Bad:
It's 8:30-5:30 which means I won't be able to carpool w/ my two friends :( and everyone else (except for a few) starts at 8am [aka: all the parking is I basically have to bust an NYC (walk several blocks)]

The UGLY!!!:
"F"Bombs are dropping EVERY OTHER SECOND!! UGH!!! I HATE HATE HATE THE "F" WORD!! And then one of my supervisors thought it'd be funny to continually use the Lord's name in vain until everyone laughed along with him. Lemme see, what else did I hear today...
-2 seconds after I met a pregnant co-worker, she proceeded to tell her friend and I how difficult it is to have sex while pregnant.
-Another co-worker told me about her disappointing trip to Vegas because she and her husband weren't able to hit the Strip---yeah, I thought she meant the Vegas Strip, no she meant strip clubs.
-My trainer and the prego co-worker went to McDonalds for lunch. While there, a homeless woman wanted ALL of the ingredients to her hamburger INDIVIDUALLY wrapped. After my trainer finally obtained her food and proceeded to walk away she bumped into a hairy male transvestite in a short ruffle skirt, with a hairy abdomen, wearing a sports bra with "chi-chi's".
-"Oh yeah, everyone drinks here on Friday. So don't be surprised to see everyone pulling out their alcohol. Everyone cusses and drinks here."..."Oh that's M_____, once you get to know him he'll be really 'huggy' with you too and give you massages"..."I use to not cuss, but after I started working here I just started saying 'Sh**' & 'F**k' all the time. Everyone cusses after a while."
Wow...what the heck did I get myself into??? Man, I REALLY ENJOYED & THOROUGHLY MISS yesterday.
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