Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Well, since I'm here...

I haven't blogged lately because I REALLY REALLY HATE the way my blog is showin' up (without the right column). That really bugs me!! GRRRR!!!! I almost feel like starting up a new one cause it's so discouraging to look at.

Today I woke up with a horendous toothache. The whole right side of my mouth was throbbing!! I thought I might have been grinding or clenching my teeth or something thru the night, but oh the joys of a toothache. Stupid chicken last night!!

I'm pretty excited for the 4th of July. I would have been EXTREMELY EXCITED....but this toothache is really putting a damper on the situation AND (upcoming TMI warning!!--------) Aunt Flo is in town this week :( lots of crappy cramps and ickyness goin' on. DANGIT!! The 4th of July is my FAVORITE holiday...I guess just not this year.

On the upside of friend Tina told me about a position openin' up at her work that she wants me to fill. It's a front office position with an attorney's office. It sounds like a really great position, the pay is nice, awesome benefits....BUT it's 15 miles away (SD's average gas price: $4.40). I'm not crazy about the commute or dealing with traffic. All of the jobs I've ever had in my life were no farther than 2 miles away. Yes, I know, I've been very spoiled in that aspect. I'm just a little nervous. The part that makes me nervous is I'd also be the "middleman" between the office and the servers and apparently it gets a lil stressful at times. Other than that, it sounds like a cool job and it's in Downtown San Diego, oh well, we'll see....
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