...I could just create all day. Everyday!
That is seriously my dream come true--being free to create ALL day. I would be the happiest person, EVER!!
I wish I could photograph everything and anything. I love being behind the view finder of my camera. I still wish I had my own darkroom...and I guess a Mac with Photoshop's cool too, it's just not the same. I wish I could work in my own garden again and plant all types of seeds, bulbs & plants. I love working with my hands. After my flower bulbs grow I would want to create the most beautiful arrangements and give them away, I miss doing that. As for the fruits of my garden, I would love to give them away in a basket that I made myself. I wish I could play my piano & violin all day and then just listen to music the rest of the time. I love those random times in my week when I can sit at my piano and sing. I would love to sit down and write music & poetry. I wish I could just draw and paint...and create everything and anything with my hands. I would love that so much. I miss pottery. I also wish I could scrapbook all the time and create cards as well. At night I would love to sew and sew and sew! I wish I had the time to cook [from scratch] for my family and bake for others...oh how I love that so!
If I had the time, energy and means to create everything in my head, I'd be ecstatic! I'm so lucky to have a Mom who challenged me and encouraged my own creativity. I'm thankful she taught me how to cook, sew, sing like her, allowed me to take violin lessons and had an organ in the house so that I could teach myself how to play.I love the love I have to create. I love my art filled life!