Wednesday, November 25, 2009

2 things for Thanksgiving....

Tomorrow, I'll be spending Thanksgiving with just my parents.

That's never happened before, EVER.
It's very seldom that I eat any meal with JUST them.
My brother and his family went out of town, to his in-laws' for Thanksgiving. I'm actually a lil jealous. I love my bro's in-laws...but I LOOOOOOOOVE my bro's MotherInLaw's pies. They're FREAKIN' FANTASTIC!! ALL made from scratch and she even makes me a Butterscotch pie--she knows it's my favorite! Oh how I wish I was there!

2 things come to mind for this T h a n k s g i v i n g:

-I love the opportunity I have to enjoy Thanksgiving alone with my parents. I'm so excited to have the time to cook! It'll be a lot quieter, I'll miss the noise of having 5 additional family members around the dinner table. Like I said, it's very rare that I'm ever alone with just my parents. I think it'll definitely be a Thanksgiving to enjoy. I know I'll look back on this Thanksgiving and hold it's dear memory in my heart. I've truly been blessed with amazing loving parents.

-I'm so grateful for my sister-in-law and her family. My SIL has been married to my brother for 20 years, I've known her since I was 7 years old. She's been more like a sister than an "In-Law". I've never thought of her like that. She was my escort thru the temple when I went through for my Endowment. I love her family. They're beyond friendly, they're truly family. They've all welcomed me into their homes, even when my bro & SIL wasn't with me. I used to go over to my SIL's brother's house all the time and they'd feed me when I was a broke college student in Utah. My brother is blessed beyond measure to have such magnificent in-laws such as them. I hope I'm blessed as well, someday.
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