*Ever since I went to Disneyland for my birthday, I have desperately wanted to get back!! I had such a FANTASTIC time! Seriously, you have no idea! There seems to be radio stations giving away a 4 pack of tix and I WANT THEM!!!
*I wish it was Thursday...or Friday. Oh why can't this week go by faster?!
*I'm thankful the courts are closed today! I love Furlow Wednesdays! It's like getting paid to come to work and do nothing :)
*I'll have to work on the day after Thanksgiving. Okay by me....I hate shopping, so another day of getting paid to come to work and kick it with friends! Niiiice!
*I'm not ready for Christmas---AT ALL!! This time last year I was already done Christmas shopping for 10 people!! UGH!! This is gonna bite, hard!
*I wish I'd either get sick or nothing at all....I feel like I've been 15% sick the last few days. I'd rather be 100% sick for 2-3 days then 15% sick for 2 weeks!
*New Jersey: I need to go soon! I miss it! I miss the members! I miss everything about it!!
*I feel bad that most of these 'Randomonium' lines have "I"....I feel self centered!
*Can I just say, I REALLY miss the feel of a man's face. Lemme explain...I miss being able to snuggle up to a man. I love that closeness that comes with trust & love.
*ok, that's about it.....I'm tired and could REALLY use a nap!