Saturday, February 11, 2012

Excuse me, your breath smells like "foot".

Feb. 8, 2008

Two weeks ago some friends and I went bowling. Due to the location (Navy base), a certain guy was invited so that we would have another vehicle to gain base access. A lil background on this guy: He's awkward. I'd say he pulls more on the 'sweet spirit' side…to be blunt--he's geeky. So we're all having a good time, some of us are trying to avoid Greg in order to have a good time. He's walking around the lanes eating a grilled cheese sandwich.
I tell a friend that it'd be funny to take a bite of one of his sandwiches. We grab a camera to document it. At church the following Sunday, Claudia and I are laughing about the sandwich incident. We then decide to talk to Greg about it to inquire if he knew who it was or not. We ask him, and then he says "Oh I knew it was Ehu. Let's just say I know how Hawaiian women like to eat." A couple minutes later he had the audacity to ask me to burn him a CD of Hawaiian music.
The nerve.
Last night at volleyball, I was wearing an "Aikau Family Reunion" shirt. Aikau is pronounced like "Eye-cow", it's my mother's side of the family. At the end of the night Greg's reading the back of my shirt and asks me how to pronounce "that". I respond by pronouncing Aikau/"Eye-cow" - to which he says "No you're not." I couldn't believe it. I just walked away. How do you even think about saying that back to someone??? I'd be more mad about it, but he's a dork.
How lucky he is that he's at church when he says these idiotic comments. The next time, I won't care where he's at because someone needs to tell him that he can't get away with being STUPID.
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