Monday, May 21, 2012

Happy 18th Birthday : Blog Conversion

My nephew Sim turned 18 years old yesterday. He's more like a younger brother than nephew since he's closer in age to me than my own brothers. I can't believe it. I still remember it like yesterday when he was born. Where does the time go? At times I feel like his sister, and other times I feel like his Mom....because I just scratch my head and wonder where the time has gone?! He was just learning how to walk in his gray walker yesterday. He was sitting in his ivory high chair eating Gerber cereal yesterday! I was just changing his dirty diaper and getting it everywhere on him at his grandmother's house yesterday! Wasn't I just picking him up at Kindergarten?? Seriously, where does the time go? I wish I could turn back the hands of time and enjoy it all again. I just want to cry and wish that he was that cute little boy with big ears and a flat Tongan nose. Today, while dressed in his tuxedo, I was helping him get ready for prom. As I was brushing his hair, it brought me back to the past 18 years of Sundays when I would help him get ready for church and now I couldn't see the top of his head because he's taller than me. Next month he graduates from high school and next year he'll be going off on his 2 year LDS mission (oh I don't even want to think about that--as if I need the tears to get bigger!). I just can't believe that the cute little boy with big ears and a flat Tongan nose is now an energetic, intelligent, handsome young man.
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